Practical details

Practical details

Qualiopi certified training organization eligible for Opco funding
All our training courses are available in person or remotely, in French or English.

Important things to know

We provide in-company training to ensure the confidentiality of the data used.
All our training courses are given by an instructor specialized in digital analytics and ecommerce.

Our training courses are run in small groups of 4 to 10 people to ensure optimal learning dynamics. Our 2-hours modules are designed to maximize participants’ concentration and commitment. A flexible format makes it easy to plan training sessions for your teams.

Preparatory work aligned with the team’s business challenges is requested in advance and shared during the session.
A feedback session enables participants to summarize the main lessons learned and the actions to be taken.

Success and satisfaction

Percentages of success and satisfaction are evaluated with participants at the end of each module.
These indicators are shared on our website for each training course.


Once we have received the training request, we will proceed within 10 days to assess the customer’s needs and schedule training sessions, depending on internal availability.

Organizing a training session

Assessment with your business contact of your teams’ needs and of the appropriate training program. A commercial proposal is sent to you.

Briefing with the business or HR contact to summarize all the information (participants, dates, methods, accessibility for people with disabilities… ) and structure the training.

A training agreement is sent to you.

Invitations are sent to participants prior to training.

A pre-requisite questionnaire with needs analysis is sent to participants prior to the training session, enabling us to adapt the content.

Online or face-to-face training sessions are delivered by a trainer specialized in digital analytics for ecommerce.

The trainer adapts the content of each module according to the needs expressed beforehand and the implementation of your Analytics solutions on your ecommerce sites.

An evaluation quiz, a satisfaction questionnaire, as well as the video and pdf of the module followed, are sent to each participant at the end of each module.

Training certificates are sent to each participant for each module, at the end of the training.

A training summary summarizing the most important points of the training is sent to the sponsor.

Our teaching methods

Our 2-hours modules are designed to maximize participants’ concentration and commitment.
Thanks to real-life case studies and the confidential use of your own data, you’ll easily assimilate the concepts covered. Our approach is pragmatic: we share best practices and concrete avenues of analysis.

Learning assessment

A multiple-choice questionnaire is sent to all participants at the end of each training module. A score of at least 70% is required to validate prior learning and move on to the next module.
A training certificate is sent to each participant for the completed modules once the training is finished.


Our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities, whether in person or remotely. We identify the constraints linked to the disabled situation (accessibility of premises, equipment, mobility, compatibility with the course, timetables, pace…) and assess the specific needs to adapt the training courses.

Why choose Optimal Ways Academy?

Discover our training programs, led by a team of expert consultants in Digital Analytics. Every day, they work closely with ecommerce teams, providing concrete and innovative solutions. 

As a Qualiopi certified training organization, we make a point of following strict processes to guarantee the excellence of our services. Our programs are designed to perfectly match the unique needs and maturity level of your team.

Join us to transform your digital skills and boost your performance!

They trust us

Teams from numerous national and international brands have benefited from our training courses.